How to open a door.

To open a door first you have to find a door, then you bring your hand up to the door handle twist your hand counter-clockwise. Then once you have done those easy steps you will have an open door handle.

If you still dont understand how to open a door go to this tutorial!

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Some random door facts that no one needs to know:

  1. C. G. Johnson invented the overhead door in 1921. Five years later he invented the first automatic garage door.
  2. The Band named The Doors got their name from the book The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley.
  3. When you dream about a door, it may represent a new opening in your waking life. A locked door may represent a missed opportunity.
  4. A false door is a door that leads to nowhere. In Egypt, these doors are known as doors to the afterlife. One building that is well-known for false doors is the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California. There are many doors that lead to nowhere!
  5. Many doors in Ireland are very colourful. When Queen Victoria passed, the Irish painted their doors black to symbolize they were in mourning, instead many painted their doors in different colours to rebel.
  6. The door symbolizes hope, opportunity, communication and liberation.
  7. The month of January is names after Janus, the ancient Roman god of doors. He was the god of doors, beginnings, endings, transitions and gates.
  8. The largest doors stand at 456 feet high which is 150 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty! These doors are in use at the NASA Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Centre and apparently take about 45 minutes to completely open or close.
  9. The garage door is the largest moving object on a home and sometimes on a commercial building as well. Garage doors can exert deadly force when closing, so make sure you keep children and small pets from crawling under.
  10. The first remote garage doors were not wireless. They were opened with a button on a post that could be reached by the driver from their driveway.
These facts were from Computer Hope if you want to vist this wedsite click on COMPUTER HOPE

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